Our Family

We are a family blessed with 5 beautiful children, loved by God to the end. We are seven different little flowers whose greatest desire is to always be like children in the eyes of God.

Therese Flowers was born 19 years ago in Colombia as Follajes & Flores Santa Teresita. We were growers of Baby Blue Eucalyptus, but we commercialized all kinds of flowers and greens.

Flowers and greens have been mom's taste and dad's passion; that's why we founded the company. Our children have grown up in the middle of flowers, boxes of flowers were turned into rockets to play. From the biggest to the smallest of our children, they have always been surrounded by flowers.

We love God's flowers, and we want to share that passion with our customers. We are a 100% family business: our oldest daughter designs the website; our second son takes the photos; the three little ones jump from one place to another seeing what we do; dad and mom get the product, contribute ideas, and the knowledge they have acquired in these 19 years.

Special offer

15% off entire order!

There are 3 babies in our family! If you buy 3 or more products, use the discount code BABY3 to obtain a 15% discount on your order.